姓 名 | 李保松 | 性 别 | 男 | |
民 族 | 漢 | 籍 貫 | 河南鄭州 | |
出生年月 | 1979年4月 | 政治面貌 | 中共黨員 | |
最高學曆 | 研究生 | 最高學位 | 博士 | |
現任職務 | 技術職稱 | 教授/博士生導師 | ||
通訊地址 | 南京市江甯區佛城西路8号 | |||
QQ/微信 | 87657411 | bsli@hhu.edu.cn | ||
個人簡介: 李保松,男,博士,bv伟德官方网站力學與材料學院教授,博士生導師。 主持國家自然科學基金面上項目、青年項目,省科技攻關項目等十餘項,一作/通訊SCI論文70餘篇,其中1區30多篇,ESI高被引2篇,授權發明專利14項,多項科研成果被成功應用。 獲2020江蘇省科學技術獎三等獎,2019全國土木工程青年教師講課競賽三等獎,2018中表鍍安美特優秀青年教師獎,2016江蘇省雙創博士計劃,2010中國科協期刊優秀學術論文獎,獲IOP, WILEY優秀審稿人稱号。 教育部學位與研究生教育中心評審專家,國家自然科學基金同行評議專家,中國機械工程學會表面工程分會青年學組特邀專家,江蘇省表面工程協會專技委委員,儀征市人才科技工作特聘顧問,Frontiers in Metals and Alloys期刊編輯,參與中國腐蝕與防護學會、中國表面工程協會、中國材料研究學會等學術組織。 Electrochimca Acta, Surface & Coatings Technology, Progress in Organic Coating, Applied Surface Science, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Corrosion Science, Ceramics International, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, Materials Today, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Journal of materials processing technology, Colloids and Surfaces A, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, Materials chemistry and Physics等二十多個知名期刊審稿人。 培養研究生30餘人,多名獲優秀研究生獎學金,就職于知名企事業單位,指導多名本科生進行科研和創新創業訓練,保送西交大、中科大、複旦、河海等學府攻讀碩博研究生。 工作經曆: 2012- 至今bv伟德官方网站副教授,教授,博士生導師; 2016-2017 美國加州大學伯克利分校材料科學與工程系訪問學者; 2013-2015 儀征市環保局副局長,儀征市劉集鎮副書記(挂職); 2010-2012 清華大學化學系博士後; 2007-2009 中科院甯波材料技術與工程研究所助理研究員,副研究員; 2002-2007 武漢大學環境科學與工程專業博士; 1998-2002 武漢理工大學化學工程與工藝專業學士。 研究方向: 1. 腐蝕與防護,電化學與表面技術 材料防腐、抗污、抑菌、減阻研究;材料表面耐蝕耐磨一體化、耐蝕抗污一體化研究;防腐塗層、腐蝕電化學、海洋腐蝕及防護方法;複合鍍、導電高分子、能源材料及超疏水表面。 2. 複合材料,功能材料 石墨烯複合材料,材料制備及強化技術,微觀結構調控與性能優化。 代表性科研項目: 1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目, 海洋環境石墨烯複合塗層均勻分散強化及耐蝕抗污一體化調控, 52171335, 2022.1-2025.12. 2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目, 海工Ni基CMMA/環氧塗層原位多尺度可控構築及多場耦合環境防護機理, 51679076, 2017.1-2020.12. 3. 中央高校基本業務費, 雙元納米相增強Ni基合金的耐蝕耐磨機制研究, 2019B15914, 2019. 4. 中央高校基本業務費, 多尺度納米複合塗鍍層微結構調控機制研究, 2018B17314, 2018. 5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目, 海工易損金屬表面MMNC織構納米鍍層微結構調控及耐蝕耐磨一體化機制, 52179129, 2022.1-2025.12. 6. 國家自然科學基金青年基金, 海洋環境導電聚合物環氧系塗層氯離子遷移阻控及層下金屬腐蝕機制研究, 51301061, 2014.1-2016.12. 7. 中央高校基本業務費項目, 沿江、近海環境下金屬的有機塗層防護及其腐蝕規律與控制機制研究, 2013B32614, 2012-2014. 8. 南通市應用基礎研究項目, 高性能海洋防腐導電樹脂的合成與規模化制備, BK2012059, 2012-2014. 9. 中國博士後科學基金, 電化學控制聚苯胺負載離子藥物釋放規律及機理研究, 20100480251, 2010-2012. 10. 甯波市自然科學基金項目, 納米光催化塗料制備及淨化室内氣相污染物機制研究, 2008A610061, 2008-2009. 11. 浙江省科技引導計劃工業項目, 環保型丙烯酸環氧家用電器粉末塗料研究, 2008C21027, 2008-2009. 12. 甯波市工業攻關計劃項目,清潔無害化三價鉻電鍍工藝及其關鍵材料技術開發, 2007B10058, 2007-2009. 代表性論著: 93. Weiwei Zhang, Baosong Li, Tianyong Mei, Mingyuan Li, Ming Hong, Ziwei Yuan, Hongqiang Chu, Effects of graphene oxide and current density on structure and corrosion properties of nanocrystalline nickel coating fabricated by electrodeposition, Colloids Surf. A, 2022, In publication. 92. Baosong Li, Ziwei Yuan, Fangqiang Chang, Weiwei Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Shengquan Chen, Preparation and characterization of Cu-GO and Cu-GO-YSZ nanocomposite coating by electrochemical deposition for improved mechanical and anti-corrosion properties, Surf. Coat. Technol., 439 (2022) 128441. 91. Weiwei Zhang, Wenzhe Xia, Baosong Li, Mingyuan. Li, Ming Hong, Zhen Zhang, Influences of Co and process parameters on structure and corrosion properties of nanocrystalline Ni-W-Co ternary alloy film fabricated by electrodeposition at low current density, Surf. Coat. Technol., 439 (2022) 128457. 90. Baosong Li, Tianyong Mei, Hongqiang Chu, Jiajia Wang, Shengsong Du, Yicheng Miao, Weiwei Zhang, Ultrasonic-assisted electrodeposition of Ni/diamond composite coatings and its structure and electrochemical properties, Ultrason. Sonochem., 73 (2021) 105475. 89. Ziwei Yuan, Baosong Li, Yicheng Miao, Lu Yang, Weiwei Zhang, Synthesis and protective properties of Ni-W alloy strengthened by incorporation of diamond particles, J. Alloys Compd., 883 (2021) 160831. 88. Weiwei Zhang, Tianyong Mei, Baosong Li, Lu Yang, Shengsong Du, Yicheng Miao, Hongqiang Chu, Effect of current density and agitation modes on the structural and corrosion behavior of Ni/diamond composite coatings, J. Mater. Res. Technol., 12 (2021) 1473-1485. 87. Weiwei Zhang, Shengsong Du, Baosong Li, Tianyong Mei, Yicheng Miao, Hongqiang Chu, Jiajia Wang, Synthesis and characterization of TiN nanoparticle reinforced binary Ni-Co alloy coatings, J. Alloys Compd., 865 (2021) 158722. 86. Weiwei Zhang, Qiang Fu, Zhongquan Shi, Cuicui Ji, Baosong Li, Hongqiang Chu, Microstructure, surface characteristics and properties of Ni-W composite coatings reinforced by nanoparticles fabricated by electrodeposition route, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 9 (2021) 015010. 85. Baosong Li, Weiwei Zhang, A novel Ni-B/YSZ nanocomposite coating prepared by a simple one-step electrodeposition at different duty cycles, J. Mater. Res. Technol, 2020, 9(2):1519-1529. 84. Baosong Li, Weiwei Zhang, Tianyong Mei, Shengsong Du, Yicheng Miao, Dandan Li, Synthesis and properties of YSZ and CeO2 dual nanoparticles doped Ni-B matrix nanocomposite coating, Ceram. Int., 46 (2020) 8047-8058. 83. Baosong Li, Weiwei Zhang, Tianyong Mei, Yicheng Miao, Fabrication of Ni-B/TiC-Y2O3 nanocomposites by one-step electrodeposition at different duty cycle and evaluation of structural, surface and performance as protective coating. J. Alloys Compd. 823 (2020) 153888. 82. Baosong Li, Tianyong Mei, Shengsong Du, Weiwei Zhang, Synthesis of Ni-Fe and Ni-Fe/ZrO2 composite coating and evaluation of its structural and corrosion resistance, Mater. Chem. Phys., 243 (2020) 122595. 81. Baosong Li, Weiwei Zhang, Dandan Li, Synthesis and properties of a novel Ni-Co and Ni-Co/ZrO2 composite coating by DC electrodeposition, J. Alloys Compd., 2020, 821 (2020)153258. 80. Baosong Li, Weiwei Zhang, Influence of zirconia and ceria nanoparticles on structure and properties of electrodeposited Ni-W nanocomposites, Compos. Struct., 235 (2019) 111773. 79. Baosong Li, Weiwei Zhang, Synthesis of Ni-Co-ZrO2 nanocomposites doped with ceria particles via electrodeposition as highly protective coating, J. Alloys Compd., 820 (2020)153158. 78. Baosong Li, Weiwei Zhang, Facile synthesis and electrochemical properties of a novel Ni-B/TiC composite coating via ultrasonic-assisted electrodeposition, Ultrason. Sonochem., 61 (2020) 104837. 77. Jiajia Wang, Yaqing Jiang, Aibin Ma, Jinghua Jiang, Jianqing Chen, Baosong Li, Jianyong Feng, Zhaosheng Li, Effects of oxygen impurity concentration on the interfacial properties of Ta3N5/Ta5N6 composite photoelectrode: A DFT calculation. Appl. Catal. B, 2020, 278, 119296. 76. 楊博凱, 劉小豔, 胡钰泉, 李保松, 吳春穎, 塗層厚度對PCCP砂漿抗硫酸鹽-氯鹽侵蝕性能的影響研究, 混凝土與水泥制品, 2020, (3): 34-38. 75. Baosong Li, Tianyong Mei, Dandan Li, Shengsong Du, Weiwei Zhang, Structural and corrosion behavior of Ni-Cu and Ni-Cu/ZrO2 composite coating electrodeposited from sulphate-citrate bath at low Cu concentration with additives, J. Alloys Compd., 804 (2019) 192-201. 74. Baosong Li, Tianyong Mei, Dandan Li, Shengsong Du, Ultrasonic-assisted electrodeposition of Ni-Cu/TiN composite coating from sulphate-citrate bath: Structural and electrochemical properties, Ultrason. Sonochem., 58 (2019) 104680. 73. Dandan Li, Baosong Li, Shengsong Du, Weiwei Zhang, Synthesis of a novel Ni–B/YSZ metal-ceramic composite coating via single-step electrodeposition at different current density. Ceram. Int., 45 (2019) 24884-24893. 72. Baosong Li, Shengsong Du, Tianyong Mei, Pulse electrodepsoited Ni-Cu/TiN-ZrO2 nanocomposite coating: Microstructural and electrochemical properties. Mater. Res. Express, 6 (2019) 096433. 71. Baosong Li, Dandan Li, Jun Zhang, Wei Chen, Weiwei Zhang, Preparation of Ni-W nanocrystalline composite films reinforced by embedded zirconia ceramic nanoparticles, Mater. Res. Bull., 114 (2019) 138-147. 70. Baosong Li, Weiwei Zhang, Dandan Li, Jiajia Wang, Electrodeposition of Ni-W/ZrO2 nanocrystalline film reinforced by CeO2 nanoparticles: structure, surface properties and corrosion resistance, Mater. Chem. Phys., 229 (2019) 495-507. 69. Baosong Li, Weiwei Zhang, Dandan Li, Jiajia Wang, Wei Chen, Yuying Liu, Preparation of Ni-W/TiN-Y2O3 composite ceramic coating for metallic parts protection by direct current deposition, Ceram. Int., 45 (2019) 13243-13251. 68. Baosong Li, Dandan Li, Jun Zhang, Wei Chen, Weiwei Zhang, Electrodeposition of Ni-W/TiN-Y2O3 nanocrystalline coating and investigation of its surface properties and corrosion resistance, J. Alloys Compd., 787 (2019) 952-962. 67. Baosong Li, Dandan Li, Tianyong Mei, Wenzhe Xia, Weiwei Zhang, Fabrication and characterization of boron nitride reinforced Ni–W nanocomposite coating by electrodeposition, J. Alloys Compd., 777 (2019) 1234-1244. 66. Baosong Li, Yuxig Huan, Hong Luo, Weiwei Zhang, Electrodeposition and properties of Ni–B/SiC nanocomposite coatings, Surf. Eng., 2019, 35(2): 110-120. 65. Baosong Li, Dandan Li, Wei Chen, Yuying Liu, Jun Zhang, Yulei Wei, Weiwei Zhang, Wanchun Jia, Effect of current density and deposition time on microstructure and corrosion resistance of Ni-W/TiN nanocomposite coating, Ceram. Int., 45 (2019) 4870-4879. 64. Baosong Li, Dandan Li, Tianyong Mei, Weiwei Zhang, Fabrication and optimization of Ni-W/ZrO2-CeO2 composite coating for enhanced hardness and corrosion resistance, Results Phys., 13 (2019) 102375. 63. Baosong Li, Xiao Li, Yuxing Huan, Wenzhe Xia, Weiwei Zhang, Influence of alumina nanoparticles on microstructure and properties of Ni-B composite coating, J. Alloys Compd., 762 (2018) 133-142. 62. Baosong Li, Weiwei Zhang, Microstructural, surface and electrochemical properties of pulse electrodeposited Ni-W/Si3N4 nanocomposite coating, Ceram. Int., 44 (2018) 831-842. 61. Baosong Li, Wen Zhang, Yuxing Huan, Weiwei Zhang, Microstructure and corrosion resistance of Ni-Co/SiC nanocomposite coating for marine machinery, Rare Met. Mater. Eng., 47 (2018) 1509-1516. 60. Baosong Li, Weiwei Zhang, Yuxing Huan, Jia Dong, Synthesis and characterization of Ni-B/Al2O3 nanocomposite coating by electrodeposition using trimethylamine borane as boron precursor, Surf. Coat. Technol., 337 (2018) 186-197. 59. Baosong Li, Dandan Li, Wenzhe Xia, Weiwei Zhang, Synthesis and characterization of a novel Zn-Ni and Zn-Ni/Si3N4 composite coating by pulse electrodeposition, Appl. Surf. Sci., 458 (2018) 465-677. 58. Baosong Li, Weiwei Zhang, Dandan Li, Yuxing Huan, Jia Dong, Microstructural, surface and electrochemical properties of a novel Ni-B/Ni-W-BN duplex composite coating by co-electrodeposition, Appl. Surf. Sci., 458 (2018) 305-318. 57. 董嘉, 李保松, 吳䶮平, 李金龍, 陳建敏, 雙相填料中白炭黑種類對溶聚丁苯橡膠/順丁橡膠共混膠磨耗性能的影響, 合成橡膠工業, 41 (2018) 279-283. 56. Baosong Li, Weiwei Zhang, Weiwei Zhang, Yuxing Huan. Preparation of Ni-W/SiC nanocomposite coatings by electrochemical deposition, J. Alloys Compd., 2017, 702: 38-50. 55. 李保松, 張文, 環宇星, 張薇薇. SiC對Ni-W鍍層耐蝕耐磨性能的強化作用, 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2017, 46(10): 3129-3134. 54. Baosong Li, Weiwei Zhang. Electrochemical and Corrosion Behavior of 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel in Simulated Concrete Pore Solution, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 2017, 12(9):8432-8446. 53. 張文, 李保松, 環宇星, 劉林林, 董嘉, Ni-W/SiC納米複合鍍層的制備與其耐蝕性, 腐蝕與防護, 38 (2017) 247-251. 52. Jie Yin, Yuqiao Wang, Wenfei Meng, Tianyue Zhou, Baosong Li, Tao Wei, Yueming. Sun, Honeycomb-like NiCo2S4 nanosheets prepared by a rapid electrodeposition as a counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells, Nanotechnology, 2017, 28(34): 345403. 51. Yuqiao Wang, Shasha Wang, Yijun Wu, Zimin Zheng, Kunquan Hong, Baosong Li, Yueming Sun, Polyhedron-core/double-shell CuO@C@MnO2 decorated nickel foam for high performance all-solid-state supercapacitors, Electrochim. Acta, 246 (2017) 1065-1074. 50. Baosong Li, Weiwei Zhang. Electrochemical deposition of Ni-Co/SiC nanocomposite coatings for marine environment, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 2017, 12(8): 7017-7030. 49. Baosong Li, Yuxing Huan Weiwei Zhang. Passivation and Corrosion Behavior of P355 Carbon Steel in Simulated Concrete Pore Solution at pH 12.5 to 14, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 2017, 12(11): 10402-10420. 48. Hong Luo, Huaizhi Su, Baosong Li, Guobing Ying, Electrochemical and passive behaviour of tin alloyed ferritic stainless steel in concrete environment, Appl. Surf. Sci., 439 (2018) 232-239. 47. Weiwei Zhang, Cuicui Ji, Baosong Li, Synthesis and properties of Ni–W/ZrO2 nanocomposite coating fabricated by pulse electrodeposition, Results Phys., 13 (2019) 102242. 46. Weiwei Zhang, Baosong Li, Cuicui Ji, Synthesis and characterization of Ni-W/TiN nanocomposite coating with enhanced wear and corrosion resistance deposited by pulse electrodeposition, Ceram. Int., 45 (2019) 14015-14028. 45. Baosong Li, Hongxu Qi, Wentao Zhai, Yaling Zhang, Xiang Zhang, Shuxi Li, Yen Wei, Electrosynthsis of large polypyrrole films by multi-potential steps method, Science China Technological Sciences, 54 (2011) 1697-1702. 44. Baosong Li, An Lin, Fuxing Gan, Preparation and characterization of Cr-P coatings by electrodeposition from trivalent chromium electrolytes using malonic acid as complex, Surf. Coat. Technol., 201 (2006) 2578-2586. 43. Baosong Li, An Lin, Xu Wu, Yaming Zhang, Fuxing Gan, Electrodeposition and characterization of Fe-Cr-P amorphous alloys from trivalent chromium sulfate electrolyte, J. Alloys Compd., 453 (2008) 93-101. 42. 李保松,林安, 甘複興, Ti/IrO2-Ta2O5陽極的制備及其析氧電催化性能研究, 稀有金屬材料與工程, 36 (2007) 245-249. 41. Baosong Li, An Lin, Fuxing Gan, Preparation and electrocatalytic properties of Ti/IrO2-Ta2O5 anodes for oxygen evolution, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 16 (2006) 1193-1199. 40. Baosong Li, An Lin, Fuxing Gan, Improvement of stability of trivalent chromium electroplating of Ti based IrO2+Ta2O5 coating anodes, Rare Met., 25 (2006) 645-649. 39. 李保松, 林安, 甘複興, 張緒建, 陰極電泳塗裝用鋅鎳錳三元磷化液的研究, 中國表面工程, 18 (2005) 22-26. 38. Baosong Li, An Lin, Fuxing Gan, Xujian Zhang, A nickel-manganese-modified low zinc phosphate solution for cathode-electrophoretic painting of steel substrates, Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment, 25 (2004) 1159-1162. 37. 徐小龍, 李保松, 烏學東, 甲基丙烯酸六氟丁酯接枝環氧粉末塗料研究, 塗料工業, 40 (2010) 56-59. 36. 李保松, 齊宏旭, 陶磊, 危岩, 生物可降解電活性苯胺聚合物, 高分子通報, 2011, 4: 1-6. 35. 張磊, 李保松, 張文, 海洋環境蒙脫土改性聚苯胺環氧塗層的防腐蝕性能, 腐蝕與防護, 37 (2016) 215-219. 34. 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