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2003-09/2007-06河南科技大學 材料成型及控制工程工學學士

2008-09/2011-06重慶大學 材料加工工程         工學碩士


2012-04/2015-03日本大阪大學 接合科學研究所材料學 工學博士

2015-09/2018-06bv伟德官方网站     機電工程學院    講師

2018-07至今   bv伟德官方网站     機電工程學院    副教授





國際期刊Materials   Science and Engineering: A, Materials and Design, Journal of Materials   Processing Technology, Materials Characterization審稿人。




1. 金屬結構材料的攪拌摩擦焊接及加工

2. 高性能鎂合金材料的焊接性評定及工藝開發

3. 異種金屬結構材料的連接


1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金,{10-12}孿晶改善變形鎂合金攪拌摩擦焊接頭強塑性的機制研究,25萬,主持,在研;

2. 江蘇省自然科學基金青年基金,鋁納米顆粒增強钛/鎂異種金屬冷源輔助 FSW 焊接區微觀組織與力學性能的相關性研究,20萬,主持,在研;

3. 中央高校基本科研業務費,亞微米孿晶誘導鎂合金攪拌摩擦焊接頭強塑化機理研究,12萬,主持,在研;

4. 國家自然科學基金面上基金,雙相不鏽鋼帶極電渣堆焊層的成分/組織調控及在海水中的空蝕-腐蝕聯合損傷機制,59萬,參與,在研;

5. 中央高校基本科研業務費,冷源輔助鎂合金攪拌摩擦焊接頭的強韌化機理研究,5萬,主持,已結題。




[1] N.   Xu *, S.Q. Cai, Q.N. Song, Y.F. Bao. {10-12} twinning induced   texture randomization of friction stir processed AZ31B magnesium alloy.   Materials Science & Technology, 2019, Article in press. (SCI/EI)

[2] N.   Xu *, Q.N. Song, Y.F. Bao. Microstructure evolution and mechanical   properties of friction stir welded FeCrNiCoMn high-entropy alloy. Materials   Science & Technology, 35 (2019) 577–584. (SCI/EI)

[3] N.   Xu *, Q.N. Song, Y.F. Bao. {10−12} twinning assisted microstructure   and mechanical properties modification of high-force friction stir processed   AZ31B Mg alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A 745 (2019) 400-403.   (SCI/EI)

[4] N.   Xu *, Q.N. Song, Y.F. Bao. Microstructure and mechanical properties’   modification of friction stir welded Invar 36 alloy joint, Science &   Technology of Welding & Joining, 24 (2019) 79-82. (SCI/EI)


[1] N.   Xu *, Q.N. Song, Y.F. Bao. Structure–properties’ modification of   70/30 brass by large-load and low-speed friction stir processing, Materials   Science & Technology, 34 (2018) 1768–1772. (SCI/EI)

[2] N.   Xu *, Q.N. Song, Y.F. Bao. Investigation on microstructure   development and mechanical properties of large-load and low-speed friction   stir welded Cu-30Zn brass joint, Materials Science & Engineering A 726   (2018) 169–178. (SCI/EI)

[3] N.   Xu *, Q.N. Song, H. Fujii, Y.F. Bao, J. Shen. Mechanical properties’   modification of large load friction stir welded AZ31B Mg alloy joint,   Materials Letters, 219 (2018) 93-96. (SCI/EI)

[4] N.   Xu *, Q.N. Song, Y. Jiang, Y.F. Bao, H. Fujii. Large load friction   stir welding of Mg-6Al-0.4Mn-2Ca magnesium alloy. Materials Science &   Technology, 34 (2018) 1118–1130. (SCI/EI)

[5] N.   Xu *, Q.N. Song, Y.F. Bao, Y.F. Jiang, J. Shen. Achieving an   excellent strength-ductility synergy of Zircaloy-4 by FSW with rapid cooling.   Materials Science & Technology, 34 (2018) 20-28. (SCI/EI)


[1] N.   Xu *, Q.N. Song, Y.F. Bao. Enhanced strength and ductility of   friction stir welded Cu joint by using large load with extremely low welding   and rotation speed. Materials Letters 205 (2017) 219-222. (SCI/EI)

[2] N.   Xu *, Q.N. Song, Y.F. Bao, Y.F. Jiang, J. Shen, X. Cao.   Twinning-induced mechanical properties modification of CP-Ti by friction stir   welding associated with simultaneous backward cooling. Science &   Technology of Welding & Joining, 22 (2017) 610-616. (SCI/EI)

[3] N.   Xu *, Q.N. Song, Y.F. Bao, Y.F. Jiang, J. Shen. Achieving   good strength-ductility synergy of friction stir welded Cu joint by using   large load with extremely low welding speed and rotation rate. Materials   Science & Engineering: A, 687 (2017) 73-81. (SCI/EI)

[4] N.   Xu *, Y.F. Bao, J. Shen. Enhanced strength and ductility   of high pressure die casting AZ91D Mg alloy by using cold source assistant   friction stir processing. Materials Letters, 190 (2017) 24-27. (SCI/EI)

[5] Q.N.   Song, N. Xu, W. Gu, Y.F. Bao *, C.Y. Wei, F.S. Ni, Y.G. Zheng,   D.R. Ni, Y.X. Qiao. Investigation on the corrosion and cavitation erosion   behaviors of the cast and friction stir processed Ni-Al bronze in   sulfide-containing chloride solution. International Journal of   Electrochemical Science, 12 (2017) 10616 – 10632. (SCI/EI)

[6] Q.N.   Song, N. Xu, Y.F. Bao *, Y.F. Jiang, W. Gu, Z. Yang, Y.G. Zheng,   Y.X. Qiao. Corrosion behavior of Cu40Zn in sulfide-polluted 3.5% NaCl   solution. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 26 (2017)   4822-4830. (SCI/EI)

[7] Q.N.   Song, N. Xu, Y.F. Bao *, Y.F. Jiang, W. Gu, Y.G. Zheng, Y.X.   Qiao. Corrosion and cavitation erosion behaviors of two marine propeller   materials in clean and sulfide-polluted 3.5% NaCl solutions. Acta   Metallurgica Sinica (English letters), 30 (2017) 712-720. (SCI/EI)


[1] N.   Xu *, R. Ueji, H. Fujii *. Dynamic and static change of grain size   and texture of copper during friction stir welding. Journal of Materials   Processing Technology, 232 (2016) 90-99. (SCI/EI)

[2] N.   Xu *. Y.F. Bao. Enhanced mechanical properties of tungsten inert gas   welded AZ31 magnesium alloy joint using two-pass friction stir processing   with rapid cooling. Materials Science & Engineering: A, 655 (2016)   292-299. (SCI/EI)


[1] N. Xu *,   R. Ueji, H. Fujii. Enhanced mechanical properties of 70/30 brass joint by   multi-pass friction stir welding with rapid cooling. Science & Technology   of Welding & Joining, 20 (2015) 91-99. (SCI/EI)

[2] J. Shen   *, Y. Li, T. Zhang, D. Peng, D. Wang, N. Xu. Preheating friction   stir spot welding of Mg/Al alloys in various lap configurations. Science and   Technology of Welding and Joining, 20 (2015) 1-10. (SCI/EI)


[1] N.   Xu *, R. Ueji, H. Fujii. Enhanced mechanical properties   of 70/30 brass joint by rapid cooling friction stir welding. Materials   Science & Engineering: A, 610 (2014) 132-138. (SCI/EI)

[2] N.   Xu *, R. Ueji, Y. Morisada, H. Fujii. Modification of mechanical   properties of friction stir welded Cu joint by additional liquid CO2 cooling,   Materials & Design, 56 (2014) 20-25. (SCI/EI)

[3] J. Shen   J *, L.B. Wen, X. Luo, N. Xu, D. Wang, M. Liu. Development of   novel heating tool friction stir spot welding (HT-FSSW) for AZ31 magnesium   alloy. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 19 (2014) 369-375.   (SCI/EI)

[4] Y.F. Sun   *, N. Xu, H. Fujii. The microstructure and mechanical properties   of friction stir welded Cu–30Zn brass alloys. Materials Science and Engineering:   A, 589 (2014) 228-234. (SCI/EI)


[1] J. Shen   *, K. Liu, D.J. Zhai, D. Wang, N. Xu, C.J. Jiang. Effects of SiC   ceramic particles on microstructures and mechanical properties of gas   tungsten arc welded AZ31 magnesium alloy with Cr2O3 flux coating. Science and   Technology of Welding and Joining, 18 (2013) 11-18. (SCI/EI)


[1] Y.F. Sun   *, N. Xu, Y. Morisada, H. Fujii. Microstructure and mechanical   properties of friction stir welded pure Cu plates. Transaction of JWRI, 41   (2012) 53-58.

[2] J. Shen,   L.Z. Wang *, M.L. Zhao, D. Wang, N. Xu. Effects of activating   fluxes on pulsed laser beam welded AZ31 magnesium alloy. Science and   Technology of Welding and Joining, 17 (2012) 665-671. (SCI/EI)

[3] S.Z. LiJ. Shen *,   Z.M. Cao, L.Z. Wang, N. Xu. Effects of mix activated fluxes   coating on microstructures and mechanical properties of tungsten inert gas   welded AZ31 magnesium alloy joints. Science and Technology of Welding and   Joining, 17 (2012) 467-475. (SCI/EI)

[4] J. Shen   *, N. Xu. Effect of preheat on TIG welding of AZ61 magnesium   alloyInternational   Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials. 4 (2012) 360-363. (SCI/EI)

[5] J. Shen   *, N. Xu. Effects of solution and aging treatments on   microstructures and mechanical properties of AZ61 magnesium alloy welded   joints. Rare Metals, 31 (2012) 12-16. (SCI/EI)


[1] N.   Xu, J. Shen *, H. Liu. Effect of solution and aging treatment on the   microhardness of the tungsten inert gas welded Mg-Al-Zn alloy joint, Journal   of Functional Materials, 42 (2011) 682-684. (EI)

[2] L.Z.   Wang, J. Shen *, N. Xu. Effects of TiO2 coating on the   microstructures and mechanical properties of tungsten inert gas welded AZ31   magnesium alloy joints. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 528 (2011)   7276-7284. (SCI/EI)

[3] D. MinJ. Shen *,   S.Q. Lai, J. Chen, N. Xu, H. Liu. Effects of heat input on the   low power Nd:YAG pulse laser conduction weldability of magnesium alloy AZ61.   Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 49 (2011) 89-96. (SCI/EI)


[1] N.   Xu, J. Shen *, W.D. Xie, L.Z. Wang, D. Wang, D. Min. Abnormal   distribution of microhardness in tungsten inert gas arc butt-welded AZ61   magnesium alloy plates. Materials Characterization, 61 (2010) 713-719.   (SCI/EI)


[1] N.   Xu *, Q.N. Song, Y.F. Bao, J.F. Jiang. Twinning-induced mechanical   properties modification of CP-Ti by rapid cooling friction stir welding, In:   Proceedings of the12th International Friction Stir Welding Symposium, CD-ROM,   Quebec, Canada 2018.6.26-2016.6.28.

[2] N.   Xu *, Q.N. Song, Y.F. Bao, Y.F. Jiang. Enhanced strength and   ductility of large load friction stir welded CP-Ti joint associate with   extremely low welding speed and rotation rate. Proceedings of ICAM2017, Aug.   26- Sep. 1, Kyoto, Japan.

[3] N.   Xu *, Q.N. Song, Y.F. Bao and Y.F. Jiang. Effect of hot deformation   parameter on microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded   CP-Ti joint. Proceedings of IIW 2017 International Conference June, 29-30,   Shanghai, P.R. China.

[4] N.   Xu *, YF. Bao. Influence of Zener-Hollomon parameter on   microstructure and mechanical properties of cold source assistant friction   stir welded pure Ti joint. In: Proceeding of the International Symposium on   Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements   and Simulation (Visual-JW2016)CD-ROM, Osaka, Japan,   2016.10.17-2016.10.18.

[5] N.   Xu *. Enhanced mechanical properties of tungsten inert gas welded   AZ31 magnesium alloy joint using two-pass friction stir processing with rapid   cooling. In: Proceedings of the11th International Friction Stir Welding Symposium,   CD-ROM, Cambridge, U.K. 2016.5.17-2016.5.20.

[6] N.   Xu *, R. Ueji, H. Fujii. Effect of liquid CO2 cooling on   microstructural evolutions of friction stir welded copper joints, In:   Proceedings of the10th International Friction Stir Welding Symposium, CD-ROM,   Beijing, China, 2014.5.20-2014.5.23.

[7] N.   Xu *, R. Ueji, H. Fujii. Effect of liquid CO2 cooling on   microstructure and texture of friction stir welded copper joints. Quarterly   Journal of the Japan Welding Society, 68-69, Tokyo, Japan,   2014.4.22-2014.4.24.

[8] N.   Xu *, R. Ueji, Y. Morisada, H. Fujii. Friction stir welded Cu-30Zn   brass joints by rapid cooling, In: Proceedings of the 1st International Joint   Symposium on Joining and Welding, 169-172, Osaka, Japan, 2013.11.6-2013.11.8.

[9] N.   Xu *, R. Ueji, Y. Morisada, H. Fujii. Modification of mechanical   properties of Cu-30%Zn brass by multi-pass FSW. Quarterly Journal of the   Japan Welding Society, 94-95, Okayama, Japan, 2013.9.2-2013.9.4.

[10] N.   Xu *, Y. Morisada, Y.F. Sun, H. Fujii H. Microstructural control of   friction stir welded Cu-30Zn brass joints by liquid CO2 cooling, Quarterly   Journal of the Japan Welding Society, 64-65, Tokyo, Japan,   2013.4.17-2013.4.19.

[11] N.   Xu *, Y. Morisada, Y.F. Sun, H. Fujii. Microstructural control of   friction stir welded pure copper joints by rapid cooling, In: Proceeding of   the International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science   through Advanced Measurements and Simulation (Visual-JW2012), 158-159, Osaka,   Japan, 2012.11.28-2012.11.30.

[12] N.   Xu *, Y. Morisada, Y.F. Sun, H. Fujii. Microstructural control of   friction stir welded pure copper joints by rapid coolingQuarterly   Journal of the Japan Welding Society, 202-203, Nara, Japan,   2012.9.26-2012.9.28.




