姓名 | 宋亓甯 | 性别 | 女 | | |||
民族 | 漢 | 籍貫 | 安徽亳州 | ||||
出生年月 | 1990.11 | 政治面貌 | 中共黨員 | ||||
最高學曆 | 博士 | 最高學位 | 博士 | ||||
現任職務 |
| 技術職稱 | 副教授 | ||||
通訊地址 | 江蘇省常州市金壇區河海大道1915号 | ||||||
電話 |
| qnsong@hhu.edu.cn | |||||
個人簡介: 宋亓甯,博士,副教授,碩士生導師。主持國家自然科學基金青年項目、江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目及常州市應用基礎研究計劃項目等多項。近年來在國内外學術期刊、會議等發表學術論文50餘篇,其中以第一作者發表SCI論文17篇(Corrosion Science、Wear及Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China等)。 2023.09至今bv伟德官方网站bv伟德官方网站副教授 2018.07-2023.08 bv伟德官方网站機電工程學院副教授 2015.07-2018.06 bv伟德官方网站機電工程學院講師 2010.07-2015.06 中國科學院金屬研究所材料科學與工程(腐蝕科學與防護) 博士 2006.09-2010.06 bv伟德官方网站,金屬材料工程,學士 主要研究方向: 1、海工材料多相流腐蝕及力化交互作用機理; 2、海工材料表面工程。 學術、社會兼職: 任《中國腐蝕與防護學報》及《材料研究與應用》青年編委,及Materials Characterization、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Tribology International等期刊審稿人。 主持科研項目: 1、國家自然科學基金青年項目,51601058,2017.01-2019.12 2、江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目,BK20191161,2019.07-2022.06 3.常州市科技計劃項目,2021CJ0154,2021.05-2023.04. 4.常州市科技計劃項目,2018CJ0045,2018.05-2020.04. 5.中央高校業務費項目,2018B59614, 2018.01-2019.12; 6. 中央高校業務費項目,B210202129, 2021.01-2022.12; 7. 材料腐蝕與防護四川省重點實驗室開放基金,2023CL09,2023.05-2025.05. 獲獎: 江蘇省科協青年科技人才托舉工程; bv伟德官方网站大禹人才計劃第四層次; bv伟德官方网站三育人先進個人; 全國大學生金相技能大賽優秀指導教師; bv伟德官方网站優秀本科畢業設計指導老師。 指導學生: 已畢業研究生:3人; 在讀:2021級2人,2022級1人,2023級1人。 著作: 代表性論文: [1] Q.N. Song*, Y. Wang, Y.Q. Wu, X.Y. Zhu, N. Xu, G.Y. Zhang, Y.F. Bao, J.H. Zhao, L.J. Zhao, Y. Gao, Y.X. Qiao.Effect of pre-corrosion on the cavitation erosion performance of two aluminum bronzes in 3.5% NaCl solution. Materials Today Communications, 37 (2023) 107265. [2] Q.N. Song*, H.L. Li, N. Xu, Z.Y. Jiang, G.Y. Zhang, Y.F. Bao, Y.F. Jiang, L.J. Zhao, C.C. Ji, J.H. Zhao, Y.X. Qiao. Selective phase corrosion and cavitation erosion behaviors of various copper alloys in 3.5% NaCl solutions with different pH values. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society, 33 (2023) 3039-3054. [3] Q.N. Song*, H.N. Zhang, H.L. Li, H. Hong, S.Y. Sun, N. Xu, G.Y. Zhang, Y.F. Bao, Y.X. Qiao. Corrosion and cavitation erosion behaviors of the manganese-aluminum-bronze cladding layer prepared by MIG in 3.5% NaCl solution. Materials Today Communications, 31 (2022) 103566. [4] Q.N. Song*, H.L. Li, H.N. Zhang, H. Hong, N. Xu, G.Y. Zhang, Y.F. Bao, Y.X. Qiao. Correlation between microstructure and the corrosion and cavitation erosion behaviors of nickel aluminum bronze. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 32 (2022) 2948-2964. [5] 李慧琳, 宋亓甯*, 張根元, 許楠, 包晔峰, 趙立娟. 螺旋槳用銅合金在3.5% NaCl溶液中的空蝕和沖蝕行為. 腐蝕與防護, 7 (2022) 74-80+86. [6] Q.N. Song*, Y. Tong, H.L. Li, H.N. Zhang, N. Xu, G.Y. Zhang, Y.F. Bao, W. Liu, Z.G. Liu, Y.X. Qiao. Corrosion and cavitation erosion resistance enhancement of cast Ni-Al bronze by laser surface melting. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 29 (2022) 359-369. [7] 宋亓甯*, 武竹雨, 李慧琳, 佟瑤, 許楠, 包晔峰. 激光重熔對高錳鋁青銅在3.5% NaCl溶液中空蝕行為的影響研究. 中國腐蝕與防護學報, 41 (2021) 877-882. [8] 佟瑤, 宋亓甯*, 李慧琳, 許楠, 包晔峰, 張根元, 趙立娟. 三種典型船舶螺旋槳用銅合金的空蝕行為對比研究. 中國腐蝕與防護學報, 41 (2021) 639-645. [9] Q.N. Song*, Y. Tong, N. Xu, S.Y. Sun, H.L. Li, Y.F. Bao, Y.F. Jiang, Z.B. Wang, Y.X. Qiao. Synergistic effect between cavitation erosion and corrosion for various copper alloys in sulphide-containing 3.5% NaCl solutions. Wear, 450-451 (2020) 203258. [10] Q.N. Song*, Y. Tong, H.L. Li, N. Xu, C.B. Xu, Y.F. Bao, L. Yin, Y.X. Qiao. Friction stir processing of a cast manganese-aluminum bronze for improving corrosion and cavitation erosion resistances. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 8 (2020) 025020. [11] Q.N. Song*, N. Xu, Y. Tong, C.M. Huang, S.Y. Sun, C.B. Xu, Y.F. Bao, Y.F. Jiang, Y.X. Qiao, Z.Y. Zhu, Z.B. Wang. Corrosion and cavitation erosion behaviours of cast nickel aluminium bronze in 3.5% NaCl solution with different sulphide concentrations. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 32 (2019) 1470-1482. [12] Q.N. Song*, N. Xu, X. Jiang, Y. Liu, Y. Tong, J.S. Li, Y.F. Bao, Y.X. Qiao. Effect of sulfide concentration on the corrosion and cavitation erosion behavior of a manganese-aluminum bronze in 3.5% NaCl Solution. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 28 (2019) 4053-4064. [13] 宋亓甯*, 張磊, 溫家寶, 王武港, 顧偉, 許楠, 包晔峰. 激光重熔鎳鋁青銅組織、腐蝕及空蝕行為研究. 電焊機, 48 (2018) 80-85. [14]《海洋工程用銅合金腐蝕數據手冊》. 鄭玉貴, 馬愛利主編. 科學工業出版社, 2018年1月出版 (個人負責第四章“青銅在海水中的腐蝕行為和數據”, pp. 139-212). [15] Q.N. Song*, N. Xu, Y.F. Bao, Y.F. Jiang, W. Gu, Y.G. Zheng, Y.X. Qiao. Corrosion and cavitation erosion behaviors of two marine propeller materials in cleanand sulfide-polluted 3.5% NaCl solutions. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 30 (2017) 712-720. [16] Q.N. Song*, N. Xu, Y.F. Bao, Y.F. Jiang, W. Gu, Z. Yang, Y.G. Zheng, Y.X. Qiao. Corrosion behavior of Cu40Zn in sulfide-polluted 3.5% NaCl solution. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 26 (2017) 4822-4830. [17] Q.N. Song*, N. Xu, W. Gu, Y.F. Bao, C.Y. Wei, F.S. Ni, Y.G. Zheng, D.R. Ni, Y.X. Qiao. Investigation on the corrosion and cavitation erosion behaviors of the cast and friction stir processed Ni-Al bronze in sulfide-containing chloride solution. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 12 (2017) 10616-10632. [18]Q.N. Song*, Y.F. Bao, Y.F. Jiang, Y.G. Zheng, D.R. Ni, Z.Y. Ma. Corrosion and cavitation erosion behaviors of the thermo-mechanically affected zone (TMAZ) in a friction stir processed Ni-Al bronze. Corrosion, 72 (2016) 1438-1444. [19] Q.N. Song, Y.G. Zheng*, D.R. Ni, Z.Y. Ma. Studies of the nobility of phases using scanning Kelvin probe microscopy and its relationship to corrosion behaviour of Ni-Al bronze in chloride media. Corrosion Science, 92 (2015) 95-103. [20] Q.N. Song, Y.G. Zheng*, D.R. Ni, Z.Y. Ma. Characterization of the corrosion product films formed on the as-cast and friction-stir processed Ni-Al bronze in a 3.5 wt.% NaCl Solution. Corrosion, 71 (2015) 606-614. [21] Q.N. Song, Y.G. Zheng*, D.R. Ni, Z.Y. Ma. Corrosion and cavitation erosion behaviors of friction stir processed Ni-Al bronze: Effect of processing parameters and position in the stirred zone. Corrosion, 70 (2014) 261-270. [22] Q.N. Song, Y.G. Zheng*, S.L. Jiang, D.R. Ni, Z.Y. Ma. Comparison of corrosion and cavitation erosion behaviors between the as-cast and friction-stir processed nickel aluminum bronze. Corrosion, 69 (2013) 1111-1121. | |||||||
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更新時間 | 2024年3月22日 | ||||||