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材料院2024年第6次學術報告:德國杜伊斯堡-埃森大學Mathias Ulbricht教授報告通知


報告題目:Advanced polymer-based membranes with tailored adsorptive and catalytic properties

報 告 人:Mathias Ulbricht教授,德國杜伊斯堡-埃森大學




邀 請 人:張建峰教授



報告人簡介:Mathias Ulbricht教授是德國杜伊斯堡-埃森大學應用化學系負責人、杜伊斯堡-埃森大學“水與環境研究中心”董事會成員、杜伊斯堡城市“納米與能源中心”主席團成員、美國阿肯色大學名譽教授。Mathias Ulbricht教授是膜技術領域國際知名專家,擔任國際膜領域頂級期刊《Journal of Membrane Science》、《Separation and Purification Technology》等編委。在有機和高分子化學以及化學工程領域擁有30多年的經驗。主要研究功能性聚合物和納米雜化材料,包括水淨化、生物分離和能量轉換的膜技術。至今已發表340多篇學術論文和16個著作章節,并擁有20項授權專利。

報告簡介:In this presentation, we will discuss approaches to novel porous polymer-based membranes with integrated adsorber or catalytic properties. Porous membrane as flow-through adsorber can be obtained by reactive coating of established filtration membranes or by integrating adsorber particles during membrane casting via phase inversion. Recently, we had established a platform for the fabrication of porous polymer-based multi-composite membranes that can have very high loading of functional additives. The first case study revealed remarkable synergies between nickel nanoparticles and carbon particles as additives in polyethersulfone-based membranes, regarding both, processability and catalytic activity of nickel in reduction reactions. The scope of functionalities and potential applications is currently extended to photocatalytic materials, the in situ fabrication of catalytic nanoparticles in the polymer solution before casting and phase inversion as well as reactive deposition of metal nanoparticles in functional porous (electrically conductive) polymer membranes. The application potential of the novel functional membranes will be demonstrated in studies on flow-through catalytic degradation of micropollutants in water, and the utilization of porous carbon-loaded polymer membranes as catalytic electrodes for electrochemical reactions such as, for example, carbon dioxide reduction.
